While a lot of channel growth can be about creativity, posting the right thing at the right time, or even luck... there is so much more to it that can help your channel gain speed. In this blog I will discuss some common mistakes I have both seen AND MADE will growing a YouTube channel.
YouTube likes consistency. Whether that means you are making sure to post 3 times a week every week, or 5 times a week.... the key is, it remains similar week after week. If you are able, I strongly suggest filming extra content before vacations so that you don't allow your channel to dip down into a week of no posting. This will take weeks to dig yourself back out of. Aside from the YouTube algorithm liking consistency, so do your subscribers! Giving them something to look forward to will not only help with clicks, but foster a happy and trusting environment.
Quality over Quantity (Being TOO CONSISTENT)
Like most things in life, there is usually a happy medium to be met. If you are over-posting, it is likely your videos are short, not edited well or feel rushed. As an avid ASMR viewer, I would much rather have 2 long, well executed/edited videos than 5 short, and rushed videos. This is incredibly important, and perhaps the most important mistake I see smaller channels making. It is SO easy to film lofi asmr on your phone... you just whip it out and film for 10 minutes when you can. Again, there is no problem with this every now and then, but doing this regularly will likely stunt your growth.
Not paying attention to what gets you views
I often see channels trying their hardest to figure out what to film next to help with their views. Normally, they see xyz video had high views so they try to do a similar video. What is often overlooked is that it is not always the 'theme' of the video that is getting them high views, but something else. Maybe it's not the fact you did asmr in public- but it's your amazing hand movements or camera tapping. Looking for minor commonalities can sometimes be the key to your success. (AKA sometimes it's best to avoid looking at the big picture)
This mistake is not as costly at the following mistake...
Paying too close of attention to what gives you views
Ripping apart your highest viewed videos and replicating them, week, after week, after week. I see this ALL the time with differing levels of severity. What this does is plants all of this identical content on to your channel. Then when potential new subscribers come along they see all of the same content and are pushed away. The best thing to do, is analyze your high viewed videos- what about them are similar... Did you do a lot of a certain trigger? Check timestamps, check comments. As you move into filming try using similar tags with different content. The last thing you want to do is get stuck on trying to replicate a popular video.
Here's the thing. Every channel is different. Whether your channel is outdoorsy, or modern/glitzy, the best thing to do is stick to your roots. Becoming too entangled into the analytics can go from being helpful, to hurtful very quickly. Use those analytics wisely, and don't fear reaching out for help (as long as you are ready to be receptive to what changes you may need to make)
Sending loveeeee, and best of luck if you are struggling with a channel!